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OpenAI Japan Exec Teases 'GPT-Next'

Slashdot - 7 September, 2024 - 00:00
OpenAI plans to launch a new AI model, GPT-Next, by year-end, promising a 100-fold increase in power over GPT-4 without significantly higher computing demands, according to a leaked presentation by an OpenAI Japan executive. The model, codenamed "Strawberry," incorporates "System 2 thinking," allowing for deliberate reasoning rather than mere token prediction, according to previous reports. GPT-Next will also generate high-quality synthetic training data, addressing a key challenge in AI development. Tadao Nagasaki of OpenAI Japan unveiled plans for the model, citing architectural improvements and learning efficiency as key factors in its enhanced performance.

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Threads is Trading Trust For Growth

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 22:50
Ben Werdmuller, an entrepreneur who leads tech for ProPublica, writes on the trust crisis brewing in Meta's Threads app. He posted a quick comment about the Internet Archive's legal troubles, only to find it blew up in unexpected ways. Turns out, Threads' algorithm tossed his post to folks way outside his usual crowd, and they weren't happy about the lack of context. He writes: The comments that really surprised me were the ones that accused me of engagement farming. I've never received these before, and it made me wonder about the underlying assumptions. Why would this be engagement farming? Why would someone do this? Why would they assume that about me? Turns out, Meta's been secretly paying select "creators" up to $5,000 per viral post, turning the platform into a digital gold rush. Now, every post is suspect.

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Largest Dam Removal In US History Is Complete

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 20:00
The largest dam removal project in U.S. history has been completed with the demolition of four dams on the Klamath River, marking a significant victory for tribal nations on the Oregon-California border who have long fought to restore the river to its natural state. However, as CNN's Rachel Ramirez and the BBC's Lucy Sherriff both highlight, the restoration of salmon populations and surrounding ecosystems is "only just beginning." From the report: The removal of the four hydroelectric dams -- Iron Gate Dam, Copco Dams 1 and 2, and JC Boyle Dam -- allows the region's iconic salmon population to swim freely along the Klamath River and its tributaries, which the species have not been able to do for over a century since the dams were built. Mark Bransom, chief executive officer of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, the nonprofit group created to oversee the project, said it was a "celebratory moment," as his staff members, conservationists, government officials and tribal members gathered and cheered on the bank of the river near where the largest of the dams, Iron Gate, once stood. [...] The Yurok Tribe in Northern California are known as the "salmon people." To them, the salmon are sacred species that are central to their culture, diet and ceremonies. As the story goes, the spirit that created the salmon also created humans and without the fish, they would cease to exist. Amy Bowers-Cordalis, a member of and general counsel for the Yurok Tribe, said seeing those dams come down meant "freedom" and the start of the river's "healing process." [...] The utility company PacifiCorps -- a subsidiary of Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Energy -- built the dams in the early to mid-1900s, without tribal consent, to generate electricity for parts of the growing West. But the dams severely disrupted the lifecycle of the salmon, blocking the fish from accessing their historic spawning grounds. Then there's the climate crisis: Warm water and drought-fueled water shortages in the Klamath River killed salmon eggs and young fish due to low oxygen and lack of food and allowed the spread of viruses. [...] As for the reason the dams were constructed in the first place -- electricity -- removing them won't hurt the power supply much, experts say. Even at full capacity, all four dams produced less than 2% of PacifiCorp's energy, according to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation. Up next is ramping up restoration work. Bransom said they plan to put down nearly 16 billion seeds of almost 100 native species across 2,200-acres of land in the Klamath River Basin. And after more than a century, the fish can now swim freely. Yurok's Bowers-Cordalis said seeing the river reconnected is a form of giving their land back, which is really the "ultimate reward."

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Categories: Technology

Part of Brain Network Much Bigger In People With Depression, Scientists Find

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 17:00
Researchers have discovered that people with depression have an expanded brain network, specifically the frontostriatal salience network, which is 73% larger compared to healthy individuals. "It's taking up more real estate on the brain surface than we see is typical in healthy controls," said Dr Charles Lynch, a co-author of the research, from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. He added that expansion meant the size of other -- often neighboring -- brain networks were smaller. The Guardian reports: Writing in the journal Nature, Lynch and colleagues report how they used precision functional mapping, a new approach to brain imaging that analyses a host of fMRI (functional MRI) scans from each individual. The team applied this method to 141 people with depression and 37 people without it, enabling them to measure accurately the size of each participant's brain networks. They then took the average size for each group. They found that a part of the brain called the frontostriatal salience network was expanded by 73% on average in participants with depression compared with healthy controls. These findings were supported by an analysis of single brain scans previously collected from 932 healthy people and 299 with depression. The team said the size of this brain network in people with depression did not change with time, mood or transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment. However, brain signals between different parts of the network became less synchronised when participants had certain symptoms of depression, with these changes also associated with the severity of future symptoms. The team added that an analysis of brain scans from 57 children who went on to develop depression as adolescents revealed this brain network was expanded years before their symptoms developed, while it was also expanded in adults with late onset depression. The researchers said this suggested an expanded brain network could be a risk factor for developing depression, rather than a consequence of the condition. However, they said it was unclear to what extent this enlarged network was the result of genetics or experiences, and whether the association with depression arose from this expansion or from other brain networks consequently being smaller. The team added that their results could offer a way to explore whether certain people may be at increased risk of developing depression, and could help develop personalised treatments.

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Categories: Technology

Qualcomm Has Explored Buying Pieces of Intel Chip Design Business

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 15:00
Qualcomm has explored the possibility of acquiring portions of Intel's design business to boost the company's product portfolio, Reuters reported Thursday, citing sources familiar with the matter. From the report: The mobile chipmaker has examined acquiring different pieces of Intel, which is struggling to generate cash and looking to shed business units and sell off other assets, the people said. Intel's client PC design business is of significant interest to Qualcomm executives, one of the sources said, but they are looking at all of the company's design units. Other pieces of Intel such as the server segment would make less sense for Qualcomm to acquire, another source with knowledge of Qualcomm's operations said.

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Engineers Gave a Mushroom a Robot Body and Let It Run Wild

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 13:30
An anonymous reader quotes a report from ScienceAlert: Nobody knows what sleeping mushrooms dream of when their vast mycelial networks flicker and pulse with electrochemical responses akin to those of our own brain cells. But given a chance, what might this web of impulses do if granted a moment of freedom? An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Cornell University in the US and the University of Florence in Italy took steps to find out, putting a culture of the edible mushroom species Pleurotus eryngii (also known as the king oyster mushroom) in control of a pair of vehicles, which can twitch and roll across a flat surface. Through a series of experiments, the researchers showed it was possible to use the mushroom's electrophysiological activity as a means of translating environmental cues into directives, which could, in turn, be used to drive a mechanical device's movements. "By growing mycelium into the electronics of a robot, we were able to allow the biohybrid machine to sense and respond to the environment," says senior researcher Rob Shepherd, a materials scientist at Cornell. By applying algorithms based on the extracellular electrophysiology of P. eryngii mycelia and feeding the output into a microcontroller unit, the researchers used spikes of activity triggered by a stimulus -- in this case, UV light -- to toggle mechanical responses in two different kinds of mobile device. In controlled experiments, the team used the signals from a fungal culture to govern the movements of a five-limbed soft robot and a four-wheeled untethered vehicle. They were able to influence and override the 'natural' impulses produced by the fungi, demonstrating an ability to harness the system's sensory abilities to meet an end goal. "This kind of project is not just about controlling a robot," says Cornell bioroboticist Anand Mishra. "It is also about creating a true connection with the living system. Because once you hear the signal, you also understand what's going on. Maybe that signal is coming from some kind of stresses. So you're seeing the physical response, because those signals we can't visualize, but the robot is making a visualization." The research has been published in the journal Science Robotics.

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Categories: Technology

Telegram Allows Private Chat Reports After Founder's Arrest

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 12:40
An anonymous reader shares a report: Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France over "crimes committed by third parties" on the platform. [...] The Dubai-headquartered company has additionally edited its FAQ page, removing two sentences that previously emphasized its privacy stance on private chats. The earlier version had stated: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."

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Categories: Technology

US, UK, EU Sign 'Legally Binding' AI Treaty

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 10:02
The United States, United Kingdom and European Union have signed the first "legally binding" international AI treaty on Thursday, the Council of Europe human rights organization said. Called the AI Convention, the treaty promotes responsible innovation and addresses the risks AI may pose. Reuters reports: The AI Convention mainly focuses on the protection of human rights of people affected by AI systems and is separate from the EU AI Act, which entered into force last month. The EU's AI Act entails comprehensive regulations on the development, deployment, and use of AI systems within the EU internal market. The Council of Europe, founded in 1949, is an international organization distinct from the EU with a mandate to safeguard human rights; 46 countries are members, including all the 27 EU member states. An ad hoc committee in 2019 started examining the feasibility of an AI framework convention and a Committee on Artificial Intelligence was formed in 2022 which drafted and negotiated the text. The signatories can choose to adopt or maintain legislative, administrative or other measures to give effect to the provisions. Francesca Fanucci, a legal expert at ECNL (European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting) who contributed to the treaty's drafting process alongside other civil society groups, told Reuters the agreement had been "watered down" into a broad set of principles. "The formulation of principles and obligations in this convention is so overbroad and fraught with caveats that it raises serious questions about their legal certainty and effective enforceability," she said. Fanucci highlighted exemptions on AI systems used for national security purposes, and limited scrutiny of private companies versus the public sector, as flaws. "This double standard is disappointing," she added.

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Categories: Technology

Android Earthquake Alerts Now Available Across All 50 States, 6 US Territories

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 09:20
Google's Android Earthquake Alerts System, initially launched in 2020, is now available in all 50 U.S. states and 6 territories. Droid Life reports: For users in California, Oregon and Washington, users will continue to have their alerts powered by the ShakeAlert system, utilizing traditional seismometers to detect earthquakes. For all out states and supported territories, "this expansion uses the built-in accelerometers in Android phones to bring another layer of preparedness and potentially life-saving information to people across every state," the company explained in a blog post. Using the accelerometer to sense vibrations and an apparent earthquake, the system quickly analyzes the crowdsourced data to determine if an earthquake is occurring. Google says it has been working with many experts to continue the system's improvement. Depending on the severity of the earthquake, you'll get two types of notifications. A little pop up on your screen if it's pretty weak with light shaking or a complete screen takeover for moderate to extreme shaking. These are called Take Action alerts, complete with the classic drop, cover, and hold instructions.

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Categories: Technology

AT&T Sues Broadcom For Breaching VMware Support Extension Contract

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 08:40
AT&T has filed a lawsuit against Broadcom, alleging that Broadcom is refusing to honor an extended support agreement for VMware software unless AT&T purchases additional subscriptions it doesn't need. The company warns the consequences could risk massive outages for AT&T's customer support operations and critical federal services, including the U.S. President's office. The Register reports: A complaint [PDF] filed last week in the Supreme Court of New York State explains that AT&T holds perpetual licenses for VMware software and paid for support services under a contract that ends on September 8. The complaint also alleges that AT&T has an option to extend that support deal for two years -- provided it activates the option before the end of the current deal. AT&T's filing claims it exercised that option, but that Broadcom "is refusing to honor" the contract. Broadcom has apparently told AT&T it will continue to provide support if the comms giant "agrees to purchase scores of subscription services and software." AT&T counters that it "does not want or need" those subscriptions, because they: - Would impose significant additional contractual and technological obligations on AT - Would require AT&T to invest potentially millions to develop its network to accommodate the new software; - May violate certain rights of first refusal that AT&T has granted to third parties; - Would cost AT&T tens of millions more than the price of the support services alone. [...] The complaint also suggests Broadcom's refusal to extend support creates enormous risk for US national security -- some of the ~8,600 servers that host AT&T's ~75,000 VMs "are dedicated to various national security and public safety agencies within the federal government as well as the Office of the President." Other VMs are relied upon by emergency responders, and still more "deliver services to millions of AT&T customers worldwide" according to the suit. Without support from Broadcom, AT&T claims it fears "widespread network outages that could cripple the operations of millions of AT&T customers worldwide" because it may not be able to fix VMware's software.

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Categories: Technology

New AI Model 'Learns' How To Simulate Super Mario Bros. From Video Footage

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 08:00
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Last month, Google's GameNGen AI model showed that generalized image diffusion techniques can be used to generate a passable, playable version of Doom. Now, researchers are using some similar techniques with a model called MarioVGG to see if an AI model can generate plausible video of Super Mario Bros. in response to user inputs. The results of the MarioVGG model -- available as a pre-print paper (PDF) published by the crypto-adjacent AI company Virtuals Protocol -- still display a lot of apparent glitches, and it's too slow for anything approaching real-time gameplay at the moment. But the results show how even a limited model can infer some impressive physics and gameplay dynamics just from studying a bit of video and input data. The researchers hope this represents a first step toward "producing and demonstrating a reliable and controllable video game generator," or possibly even "replacing game development and game engines completely using video generation models" in the future.

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Snap Sued Over 'Sextortion' of Kids By Predators

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 07:20
New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez has filed a lawsuit against Snap, accusing Snapchat of fostering and promoting illicit sexual material involving children, facilitating sextortion, and enabling trafficking of children, drugs, and guns. CNBC reports: The suit alleges that Snap "repeatedly made statements to the public regarding the safety and design of its platforms that it knew were untrue," or that were contradicted by the company's own internal findings. "Snap was specifically aware, but failed to warn children and parents, of 'rampant' and 'massive' sextortion on its platform -- a problem so grave that it drives children facing merciless and relentless blackmail demands or disclosure of intimate images to their families and friends to suicide," the suit says. New Mexico's Department of Justice, which Torrez leads, in recent months conducted an investigation that found that there was a "vast network of dark web sites dedicated to sharing stolen, non-consensual sexual images from Snap" and that there were more than 10,000 records related to SNAP and child sexual abuse material "in the last year alone," the department said. The suit alleges violations of New Mexico's unfair trade practices law.

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Categories: Technology

Apple Announces 'Find My' For South Korea

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 06:40
Apple announced it is planning to bring its Find My service to South Korea in early 2025. Originally released in 2010, the Find My service has been unavailable in South Korea, making it the last country without access to Apple's tracking feature. AppleInsider reports: In July 2024, complaints from users in South Korea reached a point where they were finally petitioning the government to allow Apple's Find My feature to work. Any iPhone made for sale in South Korea had Find My permanently disabled, so it wouldn't work even when the owner was in a different country. Now in a statement on its Korean website, Apple has announced that it plans to bring Find My to the country shortly. "Apple plans to introduce the 'Find My' network in Korea in the spring of 2025," says a brief statement (in translation). "Users in Korea will soon be able to use the Find My app to find their Apple devices and personal belongings with their personal information protected, and check the location of friends and family." [...] According to the user petition submitted to the National Assembly Petition website of South Korea, Apple has said that Find My is disabled "because of internal policy."

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Categories: Technology

Uniswap Labs Beset By Regulators For Building a Decentralized Exchange

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 06:02
Uniswap Labs, the firm behind the world's most popular decentralized exchange, is under fire from a variety of regulators. From a report: If regulators want to throw a giant monkey wrench into the crypto economy, making people afraid to use Uniswap would be a great way to do it. Uniswap Labs today agreed to a $175,000 settlement with the CFTC, while some of its chief investors received subpoenas from the New York Department of Financial Services. The CFTC settlement concerned trading for various tokens that represent leveraged trades on leading crypto assets, such as bitcoin (BTC) and ETH. This all comes after the SEC previously served Uniswap Labs with a Wells Notice, which indicates that it's likely to take legal action.

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Categories: Technology

Verizon To Buy Frontier For $9.6 Billion, Says It Will Expand Fiber Network

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 05:25
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Verizon today announced a deal to acquire Frontier Communications, an Internet service provider with about 3 million customers in 25 states. Verizon said the all-cash transaction is valued at $20 billion. Verizon agreed to pay $9.6 billion and is taking on over $10 billion in debt (PDF) held by Frontier. Verizon said the deal is subject to regulatory approval and a vote by Frontier shareholders and is expected to be completed in 18 months. "Under the terms of the agreement, Verizon will acquire Frontier for $38.50 per share in cash, representing a premium of 43.7 percent to Frontier's 90-Day volume-weighted average share price (VWAP) on September 3, 2024, the last trading day prior to media reports regarding a potential acquisition of Frontier," Verizon said. Assuming regulatory and shareholder approval, Verizon will be buying back a former portion of its network that it sold to Frontier eight years ago. In 2016, Frontier bought Verizon's FiOS and DSL operations in Florida, California, and Texas. The 2016 changeover was marred by technical problems that caused weeks of outages for tens of thousands of customers. "Frontier's 2.2 million fiber subscribers across 25 states will join Verizon's approximately 7.4 million FiOS connections in 9 states and Washington, D.C.," Verizon said. "In addition to Frontier's 7.2 million fiber locations, the company is committed to its plan to build out an additional 2.8 million fiber locations by the end of 2026."

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Categories: Technology

OpenAI Considering Monthly Subscription Prices as High as $2000 for New AI Models

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 03:55
OpenAI executives are considering premium subscriptions for advanced language models, including the reasoning-focused Strawberry and flagship Orion, with potential monthly prices ranging up to $2,000, The Information reported Thursday, citing a source. The move reflects growing concerns about covering operational costs for ChatGPT, which currently generates approximately $2 billion annually from $20 monthly subscriptions, the report added. More sophisticated models like Strawberry and Orion may require additional computing power, potentially increasing expenses, the report added.

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Visa Debuts New Product Designed To Make It Safer To Pay Directly From Bank Account

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 03:33
Visa said it plans to launch a dedicated service for bank transfers, skipping credit cards and the traditional direct debit process. From a report: Visa, which alongside Mastercard is one of the world's largest card networks, said Thursday it plans to launch a dedicated service for account-to-account (A2A) payments in Europe next year. Users will be able set up direct debits -- transactions that take funds directly from your bank account -- on merchants' e-commerce stores with just a few clicks. Visa said consumers will be able to monitor these payments more easily and raise any issues by clicking a button in their banking app, giving them a similar level of protection to when they use their cards. The service should help people deal with problems like unauthorized auto-renewals of subscriptions, by making it easier for people to reverse direct debit transactions and get their money back, Visa said. It won't initially apply its A2A service to things like TV streaming services, gym memberships and food boxes, Visa added, but this is planned for the future. The product will initially launch in the U.K. in early 2025, with subsequent releases in the Nordic region and elsewhere in Europe later in 2025. [...] Static direct debits, for example, require advance notice of any changes to the amount taken, meaning you have to either cancel the direct debit and set up a new one or carry out a one-off transfer. With Visa A2A, consumers will be able to set up variable recurring payments (VRP), a new type of payment that allows people to make and manage recurring payments of varying amounts.

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Categories: Technology

Bluetooth Upgrade Boosts Precision Tracking and Device Efficiency

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 02:44
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has released version 6.0 of the Bluetooth Core Specification, introducing several new features and enhancements. The update includes Bluetooth Channel Sounding, which brings true distance awareness to devices, potentially improving "Find My" solutions and digital key security. Other additions include decision-based advertising filtering to improve scanning efficiency, and a monitoring advertisers feature to inform devices when other Bluetooth units move in and out of range. The specification also enhances the Isochronous Adaptation Layer to reduce latency in certain use cases. Version 6.0 expands the Link Layer Extended Feature Set to support a larger number of features, reflecting Bluetooth LE's growing sophistication. Additionally, it introduces negotiable frame spacing in connections and connected isochronous streams, moving away from the fixed 150 us value in previous versions.

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Categories: Technology

Madrid Bans Hired E-scooters Over Safety Concerns

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 02:07
Madrid City Hall said on Thursday it would ban all rental e-scooters from October because of the risk they pose to pedestrians, the latest city to make the move. From a report: "We are withdrawing authorization for companies hiring out scooters on the city's streets," the Spanish capital's conservative mayor Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida wrote on X. "Our priority is the... safety of the people of Madrid," he said, adding that the measure would "take full effect in October." The three companies currently with licenses to rent out e-scooters on the streets of Madrid -- Lime, Dott and Tier Mobility -- will now have to remove their devices. These firms "did not comply with the conditions we imposed to guarantee the safety of pedestrians, particularly the elderly," the mayor said. Madrid City Hall criticized the firms for not using technology to prevent e-scooters from driving or parking in prohibited areas and lacking the appropriate accident insurance.

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UK Competition and Markets Authority Launches Investigation Into Ticketmaster

Slashdot - 6 September, 2024 - 01:29
The U.K.'s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has formally opened an investigation into Ticketmaster's compliance with consumer protection law in relation to the sale of Oasis concert tickets. From a report: The CMA said on Thursday that it is investigating whether "Ticketmaster has engaged in unfair commercial practices which are prohibited under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008"; "People were given clear and timely information to explain that the tickets could be subject to so-called 'dynamic pricing' with prices changing depending on demand, and how this would operate, including the price they would pay for any tickets purchased"; and if "People were put under pressure to buy tickets within a short period of time -- at a higher price than they understood they would have to pay, potentially impacting their purchasing decisions." The CMA said that it will now engage with Ticketmaster and gather evidence to consider whether it thinks the company has broken consumer protection law.

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