Six Thinking Hats

Many moons ago I did Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Short Course at the Melbourne de Bono institute. We also covered some of the material in the Lateral Thinking module of the Course in Creativity
Many moons ago I did Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Short Course at the Melbourne de Bono institute. We also covered some of the material in the Lateral Thinking module of the Course in Creativity
I was adding connections and updating details on my profile at linkedin when I saw this question by Richard Ortega:
Open source or proprietary? OSS v. MS
Open source or proprietary solutions? Which markets, industries, or companies do you see implementing or rejecting open source in the near future (3-5yrs)? Also which regions (globally) do you believe will have increased/decreased interest in open source?
This is also a question to get business artichects/IT professionals who use open source or Microsoft together.
Some time back I applied to be a 'hosted buyer' at Melbourne's 2008 AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo. I did it last year and found it to be a worthwhile, if exhausting experience, so thought I'd go again. The organisers called me last week to check on my application, and were curious because the CC website doesn't really show case this part of the business.
Whilst I feel like I've always been involved in co-ordinating events, I now see we haven't showcased this side of things very well.