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cafuego's blog

Migrating users and content profiles

Submitted by cafuego on 29 December, 2010 - 14:21

For some time now I've been working on a Drupal site that consists mainly of scraped content from a proprietary, ASP based CMS from the late nineties. The Simple HTML Dom Parser, used from within a drush script, has been invaluable. It made scraping the old site content and importing it as Drupal nodes a relative breeze. (No access to the database used by the CMS, boo!)

Part of setting up the new site is importing users and their content profile nodes from a different Drupal site, that was setup a year or two ago to manage an event.

I had hoped there would be a way for me to export these users and their profile nodes from one Drupal to the other, but though I found modules to export one or the other, I might still end up with profile nodes that were no longer related to their users. Of course, that's pretty useless.

When I remembered I was also supposed to add all these users to a simplenews newsletter, the proverbial light bulb came on.

Changing an argumentative view title

Submitted by cafuego on 8 December, 2010 - 15:54

Using the taxonomy view to change how taxonomy listings are displayed is rather nifty. However, I found myself being asked by a client to make sure the page title (ie: the taxonomy term as set by the argument) was properly title-cased. That issue comes up from time to time on the #drupal-support IRC channel, so I suspected it would be easy, as many people had done this.

Tertiary menu block

Submitted by cafuego on 2 October, 2010 - 09:10

… or "how I re-invented the wheel". Again

I found myself needing a tertiary menu in Drupal yesterday, which sadly it doesn't provide by default. There is a primary menu and a secondary menu that can auto-populate based on the primary menu selection, but sadly that's the level at which it stops.


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