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No-fuss Drupal multi-site deployment with symlinks

Submitted by cafuego on 31 July, 2010 - 12:07

When creating a Drupal site for clients, many people use a temporary hostname for development purposes. What's more, that hostname is not generally on the same domain as the production site. I'm sure I'm not the only one to use client, to develop the site.


When you — like me — use Drupal in a multisite setup, where the same codebase is shared between many sites, you'll have per-site settings, files and images. These are located in a directory structure that's based on the hostname you're accessing the site under. Eg: the files and settings for live in the sites/ directory.

However, when the time comes to deploy the site to its production hostname, those settings and files need to live somewhere else. Moving them can result in link and image breakage on the front-end, which is never a good look and means you might need to painstakingly update links and images on all your pages.

Drupal Simplenews Mass Subscribe

Submitted by cafuego on 3 February, 2010 - 14:17

Simplenews is a quick and easy way to set up and manage newsletters on Drupal, but if you add it to a site which already has users, you might want a way to quickly subscribe all your users to your newsletter.

Rather than click through all users and manually subscribe them - which can be a little bit boring if you have thousands of users - you can run a few SQL queries to mass-subscribe everyone in one go.

MySQL Replication

Submitted by cafuego on 5 June, 2008 - 14:50

I found myself with some spare time the other day and decided that my current mysql backup strategy is not the best in the world. The mysql server is a virtual machine in a Brisbane datacenter and it's backed up via a script that calls mysqldump on each installed database and dumps the content to (compressed) files. These files then get sucked down to Melbourne via rdiff-backup.

This is fine in principle, but does mean it's possible for me to lose 24 hours worth of data due to an accidental 'DROP table' query.


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