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Drupal Simplenews Mass Subscribe

Submitted by cafuego on 3 February, 2010 - 14:17

Simplenews is a quick and easy way to set up and manage newsletters on Drupal, but if you add it to a site which already has users, you might want a way to quickly subscribe all your users to your newsletter.

Rather than click through all users and manually subscribe them - which can be a little bit boring if you have thousands of users - you can run a few SQL queries to mass-subscribe everyone in one go.

Drupal drupal drupal

Submitted by donna on 6 December, 2009 - 22:40

It was a drupal filled week.  We set two new Drupal sites free into the world, and signed up to sponsor DrupalSouth.

is happening in Wellington on the weekend of 23-24 January 2010. It promises to be New Zealand's largest gathering of Drupalppl with Australia and elsewhere due to the proximity of taking place the week immediately before hand. The totally fabulous Angie Byron and Emma Jane Hogbin will be speaking, as will scores of other great Drupal professionals, and not-so professionals.  After attending Melbourne DrupalCamp earlier this year, I am really looking forward to participating and getting to know more of the local community. 

Open Edge 2009: Open Education Forum

Submitted by donna on 7 October, 2009 - 13:07

Open Edge 2009: Open Education Forum - create - educate - participate - collaborateFor the past 6 months or so, I've been working with a small team of people to put together Open Edge 2009, a one day forum to explore open education issues for Australian schools.  We've got a phenomenal list of contributors involved and I'm really looking forward to it.


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