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Open Source is Different

Submitted by donna on 17 April, 2009 - 09:34

Is different too scary for small business?

I was at a meeting yesterday - and I came up with an analogy about how Open Source presents a different model of competition to the market. Open source software, and open standards lets everyone compete on the same terms and lowers the barriers to entry for new players. Literally anyone can take the same tools and innovate in the way they deliver results for their customers.

OSIA Melbourne Meetings 2009

Submitted by donna on 14 January, 2009 - 17:22

I've just booked innovation@257 Collins Street for Melbourne's Open Source Victoria / Open Source Industry Australia bi-monthly meetings.

The dates are mostly set for the 3rd Thursday of even numbered months, except for Feb, which is set for the 26th which is the last Thursday of the month. It is different to fit the schedule of our first speaker - Jacinta Richardson, and to give an extra week to get the word out.


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