Six Thinking Hats

Many moons ago I did Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Short Course at the Melbourne de Bono institute. We also covered some of the material in the Lateral Thinking module of the Course in Creativity
Many moons ago I did Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Short Course at the Melbourne de Bono institute. We also covered some of the material in the Lateral Thinking module of the Course in Creativity
This torrent contains all current videos, audio and slides from 2008, held in Melbourne from 28 Jan until 2 Feb 2008.
All included content is licensed under the CC-BY-SA Australia 2.5 license.
Please note, as more content becomes available, the torrent will be updated.
Fooling around with Inkscape, it dawned on me I should do something productive with my random drawings, so I turned them into Impress presentation backgrounds.
This is halfway through an earth, water, air, fire set. Earth - is represented by brown spirals - semi-inpsired by the triple spiral at New Grange in Ireland. Water - represented by blue bubbles. Seemed the natural thing to do with Spheres, clones and gradients.